Expressive Mermaid
2014 Art show schedule...
2014 Open Studios Art Tour Oct.11-12 & 18-19
Art Shows, Diver Art, Mermaid Art, Mermaids, Surf Art, UncategorizedColleen Gnosart avila beach, art show, colleen gnos, diver art, diver paintings, mark V helmet art, Mermaid art, mermaid diver art, Murals, navy diver art, open studio, open studios art tour, san luis obispo art, Shell Beach art, sirens, surf art, wave art
Uphill Battle
Mural Slideshow, "Gazing into Infinity" hits You Tube!
"Gazing into Infinity" 46 x 32'
"Gazing into Infinity" final day. July 14
"Gazing into Infinity" first day
Dixon Tribune Article on "Gazing into Infinity"
Ag Mural....Almost finished
Ag Mural, Day 20...
Ag Mural, Day 18
Farmer John has his Pants On: Ag Mural day 13
Day 11....49 degrees with a light breeze
Mural: Day 7...
"Gazing into Infinity" Woodland Mural Day 5.....
My Tribute to the Soil...Mural in Woodland, CA
Art Show this weekend, April 1st
Art Exhibit: "Divers and Sirens" April 1, 2012
Art Shows, Diver Art, Exhibits, Mermaid Art, Mermaids, Surf Art, Surfboard ArtColleen Gnosdivers, mermaids, painted surfboards, surf, surf art, surfboards
Mural project this summer in Woodland, CA